FHC Sunday, October 13, 2024 Family Lesson 2.3

Welcome to Week 2.3 Family Lesson for Sunday, October 13, 2024

A few quick reminders about how to do the Family Lesson:

  1. Do complete the lesson. But you have the freedom to find your own way to do that. You can break it up over several days or times. You can even do it while playing football if that is how you connect best with your student.
  2. Do answer the online questions. This is how we know to mark the lesson completed by your student.

You need to know for this week:

  1. If you have a student in Year 2 and in Grade 4, we are in the process of getting your student a new sacrament book for their grade level. This was an oversight on our part. Please keep using the two sacrament books you have from last year until we get the new ones in.
  2. You will need crayons, markers, and/or colored pencils for the activity.
  3. You will need to print off a handout. If you cannot print at home, you can pick up the handout outside the staff offices. The handout will be in a blue folder labeled "FHC". See the picture below.

Let's get started!!

Step 1: Read over the lesson. The lesson is attached below as "2024 10 13 FHC Family Lesson 2 3".

Step 2: Print the "FHC God Loves" handout, 1 for each family member. The handout is attached below.

Step 3: Do the lesson.

Step 4: Click HERE to complete the Online Lesson Questions.

Step 5: Celebrate! God loves you and your student!!

May you have a blessed week!

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