FHC Sunday, December 4, 2022 Sunday Sanctuary Make-Up Lesson (Week 2.12)

In this lesson we covered how to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Students and families were given a My Guide to Reconciliation booklet. We have included a PDF version of it below. You are welcome to print it off at home and put it together or you can get one by stopping at the parish offices or at any Sunday Sanctuary lesson.

Step #1: If you didn't attend mass over the weekend, watch Mass and write in your mass journal. See video below.

Parents - if writing in the mass journal is distracting to your student during mass, they are welcome to write in it after mass. Be sure they date the page. You are welcome to ask them questions to help them come up with something meaningful to write.

Step #2: Watch the Sunday Sanctuary Lesson below.

Father Tilley will go over a short lesson, then some of our volunteers will demonstrate how to make a confession. Follow along in your booklet each time.

Step #3: Click HERE to answer the make-up lesson questions.

Step #4: Begin helping your student memorize an Act of Contrition prayer. Students can earn a prize by memorizing any prayer other than Prayer #1 and reciting it to their Small Group Leader or the Director of Faith Formation.

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